Balanced Psychotherapy & Comprehensive Drug and Alcohol Services
Substance Abuse - Support and Treatment Resources
(Click on the underlined text headings below to be directed to the link)
Burlington Area Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting Schedule
Greater Vermont AA Meeting Schedule
Champlain Valley Narcotics Anonymous (NA) (Meeting List)
SMART Recovery Meetings - a Non-12 step approach. All of VT Link
NAR-ANON - A 12-step support program designed to help relatives and friends of drug addicts. Is NAR-ANON for Me?
AL-ANON/ALATEEN - A 12-step support program designed to help relatives and friends of Alcoholics.
TREATMENT OPTIONS (inc. residential, IOP, opiate/opioid addiction)
Act 1 - provides 24/7/365 information, referral, screening, assessment & detox services.
for individuals of all ages who are or are suspected to be incapacitated due to alcohol or other drugs.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Day One - IOP - Intensive Outpatient Treatment for clients with dual diagnosis.
Chittenden Clinic - Medication Assisted Treatment/Opioid Replacement Therapy
Conifer Park - Outpatient & IOP - Plattsburgh, NY - 518-561-0130 (Methadone/Buprenorphine programs)
Valley Vista - Sites in Bradford, VT and Vergennes, VT (additional link about their programming)
Conifer Park - Glenville, NY - residential/inpatient (Admissions Form Link)
Maple Leaf Residential Treatment Center - Underhill, VT (Facility currently closed)
Phoenix House - Sites in Burlington, Barre, Bellows Falls, & Brattleboro (additional link here)
Recovery House(s) - Grace House (Rutland, VT) - Serenity House (Wallingford)
Turning Point Center of Chittenden County
Provides space for peer-to-peer recovery activities, fellowship, events, games, fitness, stress management, recovery related programs, various 12 step meetings, and 1-on-1 Recovery Coaching.
12-STEP Meetings at the Turning Point
Safe Recovery - (syringe exchange, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, Hepatitis A/B vaccination): 802-488-6067
Vermont Alcohol & Drug Information Clearinghouse
Links to information about detox, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Sober Living Houses, residential treatment, etc. A good site to familiarize yourself with treatment options.
Quitting Tobacco - Tobacco Cessation Programs - Ph: 847-7333, Email Link
CRASH/IDRP - Vermont's Impaired Driver Rehabilitation Program
DUI Laws In VT - The Laws, Penalties and what to expect.
VT Court Diversion / Youth Substance Abuse Safety Program
Vermont Peer Resources Guide - A compilation of peer support services available across Vermont to
individuals dealing with their own or a family member’s or loved one’s mental health and/or substance use issues.
Vermont Legal Aid - Free civil legal services for those living in poverty, with a disability, or over age 60.
Vermont Human Rights Commission - The Commission protects people from unlawful discrimination
in housing, state government employment, and public accomodations.
Bullying, Harrassment and Discrimination in Schools - know your options.