Using my three brains I realized as intimidated as I was to make a change in my career, the simplification of creating a solo practice was calling me. After 10 years with Networks Inc., working with some very skilled and wonderful clinicians, I was ready for a change. I could feel it in my Gut brain. My Head and my Heart all summer were saying "stay, you love this place; You are committed to this place!" But I was beginning to hear the voice of the Gut in a very loud way. It said, "Break out on your own! There are great things awaiting you and allow your increased client focus to lead the way of your careeer." I had a choice to hear it, listen to it and then trust it or stay the course. My courage from the back of my Gut was pushing me forward and I owed it to my self to listen and to be true to what was my authentic deep inner experience. And so, on a leap of faith, I have done it and I couldn't be happier about the changes to come!

3rd Floor Corner

EARLY 1900's Picture of what was then known as "Richardson House"